Washington, D.C. Location
McNeely, Hare & War LLP
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5335 Wisconsin Ave, NW, Suite 440,
Washington, DC 20015
(202) 274-0214
Directions | Email
Washington, DC 20015
(202) 274-0214
Princeton, NJ Location
McNeely, Hare & War LLP
Directions | Email
12 Roszel Road, Suite C104,
Princeton, NJ 08540
(609) 240-2533Princeton, NJ 08540
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Patent Law as amended by the Laws of July 16 and August 6, 1998
ENTRY INTO FORCE: November 1, 1998 (Law of July 16, 1998) and October 1, 1998 (Law of August 6, 1998)
Part 3 Procedure Before the Patent Office
Part 5 Proceedings Before the Patent Count
1. Proceedings on Appeal
2. Nullity and Compulsory License Proceedings
3. Common Rules of Procedure
Part 6 Proceedings Before the Federal Court of Justice
1. Procedure in Respect of Appeals on Points of Law
2. Procedure on Appeal
3. Special Procedure on Appeal
Part 10 Procedure in Patent Litigation
Part 11 Advertising of Patent